Style updates 2.1.2 Style Updates

Hello everyone, we're pushing our 2.1.2 updates out today. Once you receive the email you'll be able to download it immediately with an active license via your purchase area.

This update primarily focuses on bug fixes. It also brings all styles up-to-date with XenForo 2.1.2. You must be running XenForo 2.1.2 for this style version.

Before Upgrading
As always backup your current styles before importing the new version. Backing up is simply exporting your current styles before upgrading. Check out our documentation on how to backup your style if you have further questions.

Installation and Upgrading instructions for XenForo 2.0 styles
Full details for how to install and upgrade can be in our Documentation.

Run into issues? Please create a ticket and we'll respond to you as quick as we can.

Found a bug? Let's squash it, submit a bug report.

Release notes
Added class "has-staffBar" for when a user can see the staffbar
Removed max-width when the logo is inside the navigation
Dual category ID's working correctly now
Sidebar FA icons are vertically aligned now
Sticky divider CSS will inherit your custom properties appropriately now
An extra border + padding was showing in the dual column in certain circumstances
The welcome message below nav respects the page width toggle now

Pre-Sale Questions

If you have any questions or concerns you want to ask before you make a purchase don't hesitate to use one of our multiple support channels for your convenience.
