Pixel Exit Staff
- Replies: 18
I'm pleased to announce that Bolt has officially launched. Bolt comes with loads of little details to make your community shine. We've included a bunch of child styles that you can also download and use right away.
You can click here to purchase it.
Below you can click on an image to view the demo of that version

Your purchase of the style will include all of these style variations.
Once you've purchased your style and activated it here https://pixelexit.com/products/purchases
You'll need to first download the main style archive. Click the download button on the right side of your purchase.
You'll import this entire zip inside XenForo by going to Appearance -> Styles -> Import, import the style-Bolt-(Parent-DO-NOT-EDIT).zip
If you want to run one of the custom child styles, simply download that version and import as a child under the newly installed Bolt. If you want to run the default Bolt you'll still need to create a child style to place all of your edits.
With these child styles you do not need to create additional child styles, you can edit these child styles directly.
Thank you, everyone! Enjoy Bolt and let us know if you run into any problems!
You can click here to purchase it.
Below you can click on an image to view the demo of that version
Your purchase of the style will include all of these style variations.
Once you've purchased your style and activated it here https://pixelexit.com/products/purchases
You'll need to first download the main style archive. Click the download button on the right side of your purchase.
You'll import this entire zip inside XenForo by going to Appearance -> Styles -> Import, import the style-Bolt-(Parent-DO-NOT-EDIT).zip
If you want to run one of the custom child styles, simply download that version and import as a child under the newly installed Bolt. If you want to run the default Bolt you'll still need to create a child style to place all of your edits.
With these child styles you do not need to create additional child styles, you can edit these child styles directly.
Thank you, everyone! Enjoy Bolt and let us know if you run into any problems!