New Product Bolt has arrived! A new look for your XenForo community

I'm pleased to announce that Bolt has officially launched. Bolt comes with loads of little details to make your community shine. We've included a bunch of child styles that you can also download and use right away.

You can click here to purchase it.
Below you can click on an image to view the demo of that version

Your purchase of the style will include all of these style variations.

Once you've purchased your style and activated it here
You'll need to first download the main style archive. Click the download button on the right side of your purchase.

You'll import this entire zip inside XenForo by going to Appearance -> Styles -> Import, import the style-Bolt-(Parent-DO-NOT-EDIT).zip

If you want to run one of the custom child styles, simply download that version and import as a child under the newly installed Bolt. If you want to run the default Bolt you'll still need to create a child style to place all of your edits.

With these child styles you do not need to create additional child styles, you can edit these child styles directly.

Thank you, everyone! Enjoy Bolt and let us know if you run into any problems!
Custom header
Bolt comes with the ability to create a nice unique looking header. I've included a child style that you can download and use right out of the box. You'll need to install the main Bolt style first as per my instructions and then you can simply import the Bolt Header style as a child of the main Bolt Style. To edit the header go to Style properties -> Bolt properties -> Custom header style. You can use XenForo's new image asset upload an image of your choice. Ideally you want it wider and the height a bit shorter. This is the current size of the demo image on there: (1920x327).

Node icon color
Bolt uses a gradient to achieve a nice look on the node icons, some browsers may not support this gradient effect and will resort back to the default node icon colors. The gradient uses the following properties to pull the colors from:
Style properties -> Node/forum list -> Unread/Read node icon color. Adjusting these will change the gradient on the node icons. For read/unread state Bolt uses opacity (dims the icon out). You can uncheck the unique icon effect in that same style property area by simply unchecking Node icon gradient.
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A few questions please ...
  • Can Bolt v3 demo style (showing sub-navigation) also have a header? ie. a combination of Bolt v3 and Bolt Header?
  • Does Bolt have the Light Switch?
  • Can the Lightning Bolt (What's New) for small/mobile views also be displayed for medium/tablet and full/desktop views?
  • With Bolt Header, can the Search be moved from the button to the Header position like Bolt
  • With Bolt Header, can the header image be used/shown for views below tablet horizontal
  • Can an image be used for Footer background
  • Tablet views have the primary navigation slider ( > ) to scroll right for additional primary navigation, can it be configured to instead use the off-canvas 'hamburger' menu for the tablet views
  1. You could technically run v3 with a custom header:
  2. All of our styles have the light switch: it's a manual switch to rotate between styles. On our demo board we have it set to a paintbrush currently.
  3. With some CSS you can always show this, yes
  4. Not with the custom Bolt header no.
  5. Yes, with some CSS you can show the header image in mobile, it's removed by default
  6. Yes, you can utilize XF 2.2's new upload ability to easily upload your own custom image into the footer
  7. You can increase the point at which the off-canvas kicks in by using a default style property XF provides.
I really like the new theme, kudos to the team! :)

Not sure if this is on purpose, but the breadcrumbs do not seem to be perfectly aligned. Happens on the demo board, too.

Thank you everyone for the positive response so far :). I'm excited to see your sites and hear feedback about the style.

Seeing as it's the initial release, it'll be improving as time goes on of course!
I really like the new theme, kudos to the team! :)

Not sure if this is on purpose, but the breadcrumbs do not seem to be perfectly aligned. Happens on the demo board, too.

View attachment 11402

Thanks! Looking into this.
Fantastic Style! Loved it the moment I saw the previews and knew it would be perfect for our community!


  • Forum list Star Wars Odyssey 2020-10-31.png
    6.2 MB · Views: 145

Pre-Sale Questions

If you have any questions or concerns you want to ask before you make a purchase don't hesitate to use one of our multiple support channels for your convenience.
