
Thanks for the style updates, Russ! :)

We are experimenting with Bolt (for 2.3.2) and noticed that there no longer seems to be an option to move the visitor tabs into the Staff bar.

Is there any chance to bring that option back?
To be honest, I didn't like it from a design or usability standpoint. From an admins point of view, that bar exists no matter what and we're used to that extra bar up top. But from a normal user, it just didn't make a ton of sense. You had an extra bar taking up more real estate with nothing else on the left side. Then on mobile, it was also taking up an additional space for no real reason since the navigation bar would have the space on there to load it.

You can easily add it back into your own style though, open the template PAGE_CONTAINER,


                <xf:if is="$xf.visitor.is_admin">
                    <a href="{{ base_url('admin.php') }}" class="p-staffBar-link" target="_blank">{{ phrase('admin') }}</a>

Add right below:

            <xf:if is="property('xbVisitorTabsLocation') == 'staff'">
                </div><xf:macro name="visitortabs" arg-searchConstraints="{$searchConstraints}" arg-navTree="{$navTree}" /><div>

Then into your extra.less:

    display: flex;
    flex-wrap: wrap;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;
        vertical-align: middle;
        margin-right: auto;
        padding: 4px @xf-paddingMedium;

Then Style properties -> Header and navigation -> Set the visitor tabs to top bar (ironically I'd really remove this option too).

The last step will make it so the user navigation doesn't load in the main nav.

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