
I would like to know if this is intended or not.

I tried to mark what I'm talking about. It's the quicknav link.
If I change the margin of the .breadBoxTop to this it looks better.
.breadBoxTop, .breadBoxBottom {
    overflow: hidden;
    clear: both;
    margin: -10px auto 10px -20px;

So my question is, is this an accurate fix or does it have some kind of side effect I don't now.
It's actually a bug in page_container, it broke with the Beta 5 release.

In page_container:

Find this:

            <xen:if is="{$sidebar}">
                <div class="mainContainer">
                    <div class="mainContent"></xen:if>
                        <xen:include template="ad_above_top_breadcrumb" />
                        <xen:hook name="page_container_breadcrumb_top">
                        <xen:if is="@xenBase_noBreadcrumb && {$contentTemplate} == 'forum_list'">
                        <xen:else />    
                        <div class="breadBoxTop {xen:if $topctrl, withTopCtrl}">
                            <xen:if is="{$topctrl}"><div class="topCtrl">{xen:raw $topctrl}</div></xen:if>
                            <xen:include template="breadcrumb"><xen:set var="$microdata">1</xen:set></xen:include>
                        <xen:include template="ad_below_top_breadcrumb" />
                        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
                            <p class="importantMessage">{xen:phrase you_are_using_out_of_date_browser_upgrade}</p>

Replace with this:

                        <xen:include template="ad_above_top_breadcrumb" />
                        <xen:hook name="page_container_breadcrumb_top">
                        <xen:if is="@xenBase_noBreadcrumb && {$contentTemplate} == 'forum_list'">
                        <xen:else />    
                        <div class="breadBoxTop {xen:if $topctrl, withTopCtrl}">
                            <xen:if is="{$topctrl}"><div class="topCtrl">{xen:raw $topctrl}</div></xen:if>
                            <xen:include template="breadcrumb"><xen:set var="$microdata">1</xen:set></xen:include>
                        <xen:include template="ad_below_top_breadcrumb" />
                        <!--[if lt IE 8]>
                            <p class="importantMessage">{xen:phrase you_are_using_out_of_date_browser_upgrade}</p>

            <xen:if is="{$sidebar}">
                <div class="mainContainer">
                    <div class="mainContent"></xen:if>

Your basically moving the breadcrumb out of the mainContent area.
This is what I taught first, but as the Default Style looks the same as your style without the change and this code added to EXTRA.CSS
.breadBoxTop {
    margin: -10px auto 10px -20px;
I didn't knew what your intension was.
This is what I taught first, but as the Default Style looks the same as your style without the change and this code added to EXTRA.CSS
.breadBoxTop {
    margin: -10px auto 10px -20px;
I didn't knew what your intension was.

Not sure if I'm following you, by default the Core's breadcrumb should be out of the mainContainer. The reason you are putting in the extra CSS above is because it has additional padding from the mainContainer which it's not suppose too. The fix above is going into my next release where it is pushed above the content area at the very top of it.

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