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How do I change the default color scheme to another one provided?
Use the included PSD files to create the color you want. Next in your styles/core/xenforo/sources folder create a new folder with the name of your color(ect. lightred / darkred / lightgreen)
Next repeat the steps in the How do I change the default color scheme to another one provided? using your folder name in the "Core Color" under - Core Properties, then use xenBaseColor1 to select a color close to the ones on your images.
How can I install multiple colors on my site?
Follow your normal installation instructions. Next install the style-Core.xml as a child of your existing Core style. Doing this will make it easy for future updates. Your styles should look like this:
How can I get RTL working on core better?
Two step process after you've enabled RTL on your forum board.
First you need to switch the blue icon on this part, you can add this in extra.css
Next you'll want to use the included PSD to just move the blue icon to the right side, Once you save that image it automatically names the file correctly for you which you'll upload and overwrite into the according styles/core/xenforo/sources/COLOR/sidebarbg.png
- Click Appearance -> Style Properties (make sure your Core style is selected)
- Click the section called - Core Properties
- In the box type which color you'd like:
- red
- blue
- green
- softblue
- Next go to the Color Palette and change the xenBaseColor1 to the appropriate color
- red (#c11414)
- blue (#1991db)
- green (#006e2e)
- softblue (#5f6b87)
Use the included PSD files to create the color you want. Next in your styles/core/xenforo/sources folder create a new folder with the name of your color(ect. lightred / darkred / lightgreen)
Next repeat the steps in the How do I change the default color scheme to another one provided? using your folder name in the "Core Color" under - Core Properties, then use xenBaseColor1 to select a color close to the ones on your images.
How can I install multiple colors on my site?
Follow your normal installation instructions. Next install the style-Core.xml as a child of your existing Core style. Doing this will make it easy for future updates. Your styles should look like this:
- xenBase Style
- Core Style(default color)
- Core Style(new color ie. lightgreen)
- Core Style(new color ie. darkred)
- Color Style(new color ie. lightred)
- Core Style(default color)
Two step process after you've enabled RTL on your forum board.
First you need to switch the blue icon on this part, you can add this in extra.css
#forums .categoryText {
padding-right: 15px;
background-position: right center;
Next you'll want to use the included PSD to just move the blue icon to the right side, Once you save that image it automatically names the file correctly for you which you'll upload and overwrite into the according styles/core/xenforo/sources/COLOR/sidebarbg.png