
Well-Known Member
First bug, when I have the nodes set to 2 columns (enhanced) Theres this one node that seems to be messed up:


If I set the nodes to 1 (2 column but not enhanced) it's not as bad but the resource node still displays the latest post and such:

Next you can see that the node list container does not actually completely wrap around the node like it should. (You might need to enlarge picture to see)

Next one is not a bug but a question/suggestion. If I was using 2 columns on the forum index page, how would I go about getting the 2 columns to work on the sub forums as well:
For the dual column inside the nodes:

.forum_view {
clear: both;
.forum_view .nodeList.sectionMain {
overflow: hidden;
.forum_view .nodeList .node {
box-sizing: border-box;
float: left;
width: 50%;

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
html .forum_view .nodeList .node { float: none; width: 100%; }

Try that, is Resource Center node a category node that's under Webmaster Zone?
Looking into it but for now with the dual column enabled.

Style Properties -> Forum / Node List -> Show sub-forums popup make sure that's checked.

We overrode the default setting if it's in dual column to always show the sub-forum dropdown, but it's just not taking effect on category nodes.

We've also fixed the other issue, if you enable it again I'll give you a manual fix for now.
For the dual column inside the nodes:

.forum_view {
clear: both;
.forum_view .nodeList.sectionMain {
overflow: hidden;
.forum_view .nodeList .node {
box-sizing: border-box;
float: left;
width: 50%;

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveWideWidth)
html .forum_view .nodeList .node { float: none; width: 100%; }

Try that, is Resource Center node a category node that's under Webmaster Zone?
Ya the resource center is a category node.

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