Pixel Exit Staff
How can I put my edits on Fusion Gamer?
To make sure future updates of XenForo and the style itself go smoothly for you you should try to put all your edits into the extra.css and Style Properties of the Child Style you're editing.
You never want to really work inside Fusion Gamer Master unless you want to make a global change that will reflect across all the styles.
Please note... changing any of the templates directly could cause conflicts with future updates.
By keeping your edits to the extra.css and Style Properties of the Child Style you can upgrade with ease next update.
How can I remove the branding on Fusion Gamer?
See this thread
How can I install the Fusion Gamer style?
Step 1.) To install Fusion Gamer you'll need to upload the contents of the "upload" directory into your forum directory. It should ask you to overwrite and you can safely do so.
Step 2.) Next step you'll browse to Appearance -> Import Style and choose Fusion Gamer Master.xml.
Step 3.) Once completed you can choose which color xml you want and Import Style as a Child Style of Fusion Gamer Master.
Step 4.) Go to Appearance -> Styles -> Uncheck the box next to Fusion Gamer Master (this will disallow the selection of the Master Style; as designed)
If you want multiple colored styles installed simply repeat Step 3 with the new colored XML.
How can I add the images to the background on Fusion Gamer?
First you'll want to download the wallpapers here.
If you haven't already entered your URL you'll need to do so, once that's done click download. From there click "More Download Options"
Next step you'll need to upload the images on your web hosting, I would recommend in your /styles/fusiongamer/xenforo/images/ to keep it organized.
Last step open up your extra.css and add this snippit:
Of course modifying linktowallpaaper to the path of your uploaded wallpaper
How can I get better looking thread prefixes / user titles
By default the prefixes/user titles look bad on a dark skin, especially Fusion Gamer. With the 1.2 update I've gone ahead and included some default ones for you to use...
See here:
To get the prefixes/user badges to look like this you'll need to assign a custom class to the prefix/title you want. To do so you'll go to your Prefix/UserGroup and assign the custom class according like so:
That will give that prefix the red look.
Current list of built in classes:
To make sure future updates of XenForo and the style itself go smoothly for you you should try to put all your edits into the extra.css and Style Properties of the Child Style you're editing.
You never want to really work inside Fusion Gamer Master unless you want to make a global change that will reflect across all the styles.
Please note... changing any of the templates directly could cause conflicts with future updates.
By keeping your edits to the extra.css and Style Properties of the Child Style you can upgrade with ease next update.
How can I remove the branding on Fusion Gamer?
See this thread
How can I install the Fusion Gamer style?
Step 1.) To install Fusion Gamer you'll need to upload the contents of the "upload" directory into your forum directory. It should ask you to overwrite and you can safely do so.
Step 2.) Next step you'll browse to Appearance -> Import Style and choose Fusion Gamer Master.xml.
Step 3.) Once completed you can choose which color xml you want and Import Style as a Child Style of Fusion Gamer Master.
Step 4.) Go to Appearance -> Styles -> Uncheck the box next to Fusion Gamer Master (this will disallow the selection of the Master Style; as designed)
If you want multiple colored styles installed simply repeat Step 3 with the new colored XML.
How can I add the images to the background on Fusion Gamer?
First you'll want to download the wallpapers here.
If you haven't already entered your URL you'll need to do so, once that's done click download. From there click "More Download Options"
Next step you'll need to upload the images on your web hosting, I would recommend in your /styles/fusiongamer/xenforo/images/ to keep it organized.
Last step open up your extra.css and add this snippit:
html {
background: url("linktowallpaper") no-repeat fixed center top #000000;
Of course modifying linktowallpaaper to the path of your uploaded wallpaper
How can I get better looking thread prefixes / user titles
By default the prefixes/user titles look bad on a dark skin, especially Fusion Gamer. With the 1.2 update I've gone ahead and included some default ones for you to use...
See here:
To get the prefixes/user badges to look like this you'll need to assign a custom class to the prefix/title you want. To do so you'll go to your Prefix/UserGroup and assign the custom class according like so:
That will give that prefix the red look.
Current list of built in classes: