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Pixel Exit Staff
Once you've downloaded your style from the download area, go ahead and extract it to a location you can get to.

  1. Go inside the UPLOAD folder and upload the "styles" directory into your XenForo directory.
  2. Browse to your XenForo Control Panel and then Appearance -> Styles -> Import a Style -> Import style-XenBase.xml
  3. Go back to Import a Style and this time import style-Modest.xml with the parent being XenBase
  4. Go to Appearance -> Styles -> Create a Style -> Make a new style with the parent being Modest
    • This step allows for easier upgrades and your users will still only be able to select one style
  5. Go back to your list of Styles and you'll want to disable selection on XenBase and Modest and set the default style to your custom style, like so:
For customizations you'll want to do them all inside your style, in the picture above "My Own Style". This means for future upgrades they will be very easy to do.

Please note we also offer customizations services ourselves which you can fill in a request form here.
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