
It just looks a bit odd cutting the usernames within it and would be better the be right across the top of the post. Is there a way to do this?
oops sorry was supposed to on my first post.
By default Zipped's postbit shrinks like default:


You must have some extra code in there causing the effect. I'd need a site url to look for a fix for you.
Not sure where this is, can't find it. Its not in extra.CSS a little hard hunting down on my phone so will have to try tomorrow on PC.

Use the search templates function and try just the top portion:
.messageList .messageUserInfo

Let me know if you need help you can create a PM with me with an account that has appearance access if you need to as well.
Thanks sounds stupid but I never noticed the search templates :oops:.
Its from better blogs

.messageList .messageUserInfo
width: 145px; /* 124 + 16 icon + 10 margin - 5 right space */

If I remove this is it likely the mess with that. Its in the better blogs indicator.CSS which I assume is for it show in user blog count in postbit.
Thanks sounds stupid but I never noticed the search templates :oops:.
Its from better blogs

.messageList .messageUserInfo
width: 145px; /* 124 + 16 icon + 10 margin - 5 right space */

If I remove this is it likely the mess with that. Its in the better blogs indicator.CSS which I assume is for it show in user blog count in postbit.

I remember now it's been a problem before. It should be fixed on his end as it shouldn't be hard coded like that but I'm not sure if updates are still coming with it(really don't know).

Put this in extra.css as a quick fix:

@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveNarrowWidth) {
.messageList .messageUserInfo { width: auto !important; }

See if that does the trick for you.

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