Robert Gould

Well-Known Member
How to I get rid of the numbers of the post count showing under each post? I don't remember doing anything or tick any box but seems all the sudden it just started showing. You know the 2,3, 4, or how many posts have been made under each post?

Glad you got it sorted, just to follow up for others. Hiding the node stats can be done using this inside extra.less:

.node .node-stats, .node .node-meta {
    display: none;
Are you referring to the user post count under their avatar + user name?

That's going to be under Style properties -> Message -> Message user info, it's a default XenForo feature.
Are you referring to the user post count under their avatar + user name?

That's going to be under Style properties -> Message -> Message user info, it's a default XenForo feature.
No I was referring to the thread count and post number that would show zeros under all the different categories. Not a good look for someone looking at a forum for the first time. But I think I resolved that already as well.
Glad you got it sorted, just to follow up for others. Hiding the node stats can be done using this inside extra.less:

.node .node-stats, .node .node-meta {
    display: none;

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