

I am trying to make my site multilingual - and although the xenforo does a pretty good job at it, your button sprites are locked to one set.

fusiongamer_header.css defines the sprite..

is it possible to make language specific sprite list images? based upon the language pack? They cant seem to find the login/register buttons.

I'll do some digging but I'm not exactly sure it would work, we'd need a conditional, xen:if is="english" ect....

I'll take a look this weekend, apologies for the delay, I've been on vacation then a flu.
BUMP - If this can't be done easily I'd like to hire you for the modifications.

Actually, I've got it:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.language_id} == 2">
html .upsprites { background-image  : url('@imagePath/xenforo/images/spriteother.png'); }

Where 2 would be the language ID, and spriteother needs to be a different sprite(new language.

Can you give me the translation for the following text:


Needs to be small :D
Actually that would be problem as I literally can't find the sprite PSD I used for another language translation. I'll need to re-arrange the original PSD :unsure:

I should have time tomorrow to deliver it to you
So... you may need to play with this, one of the characters I can't get to load. I've attached the PSD for the file.



  • fusiongamerusersprite.zip
    35 KB · Views: 15

So what template should I stick this code?

<xen:if is="{$visitor.language_id} == 2">
html .upsprites { background-image  : url('@imagePath/xenforo/images/spriteother.png'); }
It didnt work for me ;( I tried placing it in xb_custom_style.css

I tried this:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.language_id} == 6">
.upsprites {
    background-image    : url('@imagePath/xenforo/images/spriteother.png');
    background-color    : transparent;
    background-repeat    : no-repeat;

and this:

<xen:if is="{$visitor.language_id} == 6">
html .upsprites {
    background-image    : url('@imagePath/xenforo/images/spriteother.png');
    background-color    : transparent;
    background-repeat    : no-repeat;
Try this inside page_container right above the </head>

<xen:if is="{$visitor.language_id} == 6">
html .upsprites {
    background-image    : url('@imagePath/xenforo/images/spriteother.png') !important;

If that doesn't work I'll need access to debug(PM or Support Ticket)

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