This is my 1st time with it so I'm at a loss. I used the Reveal Mode with templates and hooks information but I couldn't get the . I clicked the spot I wanted and it took me to the edit widget screen. This is what I have down but it didnt work
Actually on your home page it looks like it's using the XenPorta widgets is that correct? I haven't used that widget system yet and it may be conflicting with the other. I hate to say this but you may try to seek support from Jaxel, it's probably a simple edit.
Am I correct to assume that XenPorta handles the main page and BD Framework takes care of all the other widgets on all the other pages? It seems like BD Framework can also drop widgets onto the main page too, right alongside Xenporta.
I have had not much luck asking Jaxel for support. I'll leave that there.
Ok desperation has sunk in. I NEED to solve this by tonight. I just disabled and enabled the the xenporta widgets and I didnt lose anything.So tonight Im going to disable them again and see how easy and good the BD Widget framework is.
Have you tried the default style?
Which version of BDWF do you use? I´m still on 2.5.9
I use XP2 and WF and FA+ on two sides, the login box works well in the sidebar.
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