
Well-Known Member
Have this "undefined" text over my new post bubble after upgrading to 1.5.7.

That would be unique to your style, bad phrase I used I suppose...

your admin is locked out but search for: visitorNewPosts

It's possible that I set a tooltip class on it, but didn't set a title, can you post that entire little <li> </li> that you find it in?
That would be unique to your style, bad phrase I used I suppose...

your admin is locked out but search for: visitorNewPosts

It's possible that I set a tooltip class on it, but didn't set a title, can you post that entire little <li> </li> that you find it in?
<li class="navTab visitorNewPosts PopupClosed">
 <a href="{xen:link find-new/posts}" class="navLink Tooltip"><i class="fa fa-comments fa-fw"></i> <span class="xbVisitorText">{xen:phrase new_posts}</span></a>
Yep so that's my fault on your style, you can either:

Remove the class Tooltip, or add an actual title to it:

<li class="navTab visitorNewPosts PopupClosed">
 <a href="{xen:link find-new/posts}" class="navLink Tooltip" Title="{xen:phrase new_posts}"><i class="fa fa-comments fa-fw"></i> <span class="xbVisitorText">{xen:phrase new_posts}</span></a>
Yep so that's my fault on your style, you can either:

Remove the class Tooltip, or add an actual title to it:

<li class="navTab visitorNewPosts PopupClosed">
<a href="{xen:link find-new/posts}" class="navLink Tooltip" Title="{xen:phrase new_posts}"><i class="fa fa-comments fa-fw"></i> <span class="xbVisitorText">{xen:phrase new_posts}</span></a>

Perfect :) Fixed.

Thanks!!! (y)

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