I would like to change 4 node icons from the default to something else
This is what I used in extra.less on the default style but it's not working with Edge, all node icons stay the same default ones.
This is what I used in extra.less on the default style but it's not working with Edge, all node icons stay the same default ones.
.node--id11 .node-icon i::before { content: '\f008'; }
.node--id11 .node--read .node-icon { opacity: 0.5; }
.node--id19 .node-icon i::before { content: '\f008'; }
.node--id19 .node--read .node-icon { opacity: 0.5; }
.node--id7 .node-icon i::before { content: '\f008'; }
.node--id7 .node--read .node-icon { opacity: 0.5; }
.node--id12 .node-icon i::before { content: '\f26c'; }
.node--id12 .node--read .node-icon { opacity: 0.5; }