

first of all sorry for this noobish question but I don't have much experience with this.

I already found the option for the node layouts. My problem is, that i'd like to run my forums on the modernized layout (3) and only one category on the dual colum extended (2).

How can I create this?

This may work for you... although it's missing the forum stats unfortunately.

.node_5 .xbnodeStatsContainer
   position: relative;
.node.node_5 .nodeList .node
   float: left;
   width: 50%;
   min-height: 105px;
   padding: 0 5px;
{xen:helper clearfix, '.node .nodeList .node'}

{xen:helper clearfix, '.nodeList .nodeList'}

.node.node_5 .node .nodeIcon
   margin-bottom: 0px;
.node.node_5 .node .nodeText
   margin-right: 10px;
   padding-right: 0px;
   margin-bottom: 0px;
.node.node_5 .nodeList .node.level_1
   overflow: hidden;

.node.node_5 .node .nodeLastPost
  box-sizing: border-box;
  padding-top: 0;
  position: relative;
  width: auto;

.node.node_5 .nodeList .node .nodeControls, .node_5 .xbnodeStatsContainer, .node .nodeStats
   display: none;
.forum_list .node.node_5.level_2:last-child:nth-child(odd)
   width: 100%;
   float: left;
   min-height: 58px;   
.node.level_2:last-child:nth-child(odd) .nodeLastPost.secondaryContent
   position: absolute;
   right: 5%;
   width: 210px;
.Touch .node .nodeDescription
   display: none;
@media (max-width:@maxResponsiveMediumWidth)
   .node.node_5 .nodeList .node
     float: none;
     width: 100%;
     min-height: 20px;
   .Responsive .node.node_5 .node .nodeText { margin-bottom: 10px; }
Replace all node_5 with your forum node you want replaced.
Thx for your reply, russ.
Looks good so far even though the stats would be nice oc.
One last question. Is there a possibility to reduce the space between the first and second row?


  • space.jpg
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