can you help me with the Bottom Border of my Sticky Header?
There is a missing Spot.

Correct underline (Normal Navigation):
Screenshot 2022-08-02 102854.png

Incorrect underline (Sticky Navigation):

I'll take a closer look at this for our next release. I see the CSS we have in place to remove the border but I'll find out why we have it!

For now, add this to your extra.less:

.is-sticky .p-nav-list .p-navEl.is-selected .p-navEl-splitTrigger
    border-bottom-width: 5px;

Let me know if that helps.
i now changed it in xb_header css, because i couldn't find a reason why not.
If if find a Problem with this change i will let you know, thanks!

It's not a big deal right now, but ideally you won't want to edit our templates. It just makes upgrades much easier when you don't edit those.

When we push out an update, that template might show as outdated for your child style, simply revert it assuming you haven't made other changes.
I thought i can change the child styles without any problems and simply upgrade the Main Theme if there is a new Version?

I talk about it in our Getting Started section:

Yes, editing a child style will keep your edits. However, the more templates you edit, the more work you'll potentially need to do on upgrades. Editing extra.less is never changed so you can update that all you want and it won't show as outdated.

xb_header.less for instance is now edited in your child style. When we edit that, it'll show outdated on your child style. You can use the merge feature to update the template but it doesn't always work.

I hope that makes sense.

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