
Hi Russ,

I use a larger number of user banners under the name of the user. The mobile version of Bolt only seems to show a max of 4 with any remaining not being displayed. Is this as intended or can I increase the number being shown? Thanks!
So regarding a banner question, we don't control how many show (user banners). (just responding to this in case someone else finds it).

I'm looking at your site and the classes are a little weird. Essentially, XenForo hides the "extras" by default. Extras are: custom fields + message count/join date, stuff like that.

With your extra banner down there, the position is really weird (where it lands in the HTML and how XenForo does mobile stuff). Is it a custom edit by yourself?
Unfortunately, it's sort of hard to explain a solution easily.

With XenForo, the normal view has the "extras" placed below the banners. This works for you since you have a banner at the top of the "extras". Extras here being defined as the joined/messages/solutions/favorite color.


On mobile, XenForo hides it:

This CSS will make the fields appear:
#XF .message:not(.message--forceColumns) .message-userExtras {
    display: block;

But the CSS is setup so it shows all the fields. I could provide CSS to hide everything but the banners but the banners that are in the "extras" location would still load on the top right.

Unfortunately, the best approach here might be to redo the conditional on the banners to load where the other banners load (inside the template). It's a bit complicated to do...
Unfortunately, the best approach here might be to redo the conditional on the banners to load where the other banners load (inside the template). It's a bit complicated to do...
This would require someone with more knowledge of the templates than I. I will speak with a developer about this.

Thanks, Russ
Hi Russ,

So I was able to figure it out last night with help from someone on Xenforo. I used this in extra.less to hide the extra bits. Seems to be working. I very much appreciate your help.

@media (max-width: @xf-responsiveNarrow)
.message-userExtras dl:nth-child(1),.message-userExtras dl:nth-child(2)
The reason I didn't share CSS like that, and something to watch out for is that all depends on who has what filled out on your site. As an example, looking at certain users, the banner shows on the top right (which I was also trying to avoid), while other users have no banner but their join date.

My ideal approach would end up looking like this (this is the complex edit with your setup)

Just a thought. If your current solution works for you though, great.

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