Is this in your style or our styles?

Your style: I talk about fixing it here

Our styles: You'll need to download the latest version of the style and upgrade.
It was the child style but I don't get one thing.

Copy your entire template to have a backup in notepad or another program like it. Click the Revert button so it goes back to the parent version then re-apply your edit. In the case above we're referring to the p-nav--extraLink code, we've added.

Ok, I reverted back but I dont get the "re-apply your edit" part.
Did you mean then paste over the whole page container from the backup? Cuz I just did that gheghe, getting no error so I guess its ok.

On second thought, something went wrongl
The footer has double text
Screenshot_2021-04-02 Ondeugend Nederland.png

And the style bar is messed up
Screenshot_2021-04-02 Ondeugend Nederland(1).png

Reverted again :p so what I need to do now?
So if you've edited PAGE_CONTAINER on your child style to add a footer link or something, I usually recommend to simply revert the template and re-apply the custom footer link. That's what I mean in that instance.

If you want to provide an admin login via a support ticket, I can inspect.
So if you've edited PAGE_CONTAINER on your child style to add a footer link or something, I usually recommend to simply revert the template and re-apply the custom footer link. That's what I mean in that instance.

If you want to provide an admin login via a support ticket, I can inspect.
Ahh ok, I only translated something dutch but I reverted and just translated the part again, it's fine now, cheers.

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