
I just noticed that my page navigation is only at the top of threads, not at the bottom.

Do you know where the setting to add it to the bottom would be?

page navigation.JPG

You have this somewhere in your CSS:

.block-outer.block-outer--after {
    display: none;

Maybe try a template search for:

to find it. You'll need to remove the CSS above.
You are correct.

In my extra.less I have:

/* Hides the "login or register" link at the bottom of posts */
/* For some reason the link never worked, it just said "changes saved" */
/* It's also not needed due to our oAuth login */


    display: none;

Looks like I wanted to hide the Login link at the bottom of the page, but ended up hiding the page navigation with it. I'll have to be more targeted with my hiding. Thanks.
Wow. Yes it is specific. So for education purposes, what would be difference between:

.block-outer-opposite {
    display: none;


[data-logged-in="false"] .block-outer--after .block-outer-opposite {
    display: none;

Since on the surface, they look like they do they same thing....
The first one will also hide anything with that class such as the forum controls/thread controls in the top right of the page nav.

My CSS targets logged out users (since it's a login link), only the block that comes after the content and the right side. Should be specific enough to really only hide that link.

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