Style updates Pixel Exit 2.0 Styles Update

With the release of Xenforo 2.0 stable, we're excited to move one step closer to our 2.0 product line. Our goal going into XenBase 2 was to have comparable features to the original while making it even easier to use, we feel we've achieved that. So... what's next:

Initial launch styles:
We'll be releasing 2.0 versions of some select styles. Initially, we'll be launching with:
  • Edge
  • Fusion Gamer
  • Apex
  • Flat Awesome +
  • Blackend Pro
  • Core
Other styles may follow depending on demand but for the time being, this will be our initial line. We're really excited to move onto new products and we can't wait to share them with you.

We're also excited to share that as long as you have an active license you'll obtain the XenForo 2 version of your style completely free. For the users who have an active license for a style which is not getting converted you'll be able to take advantage of a 50% coupon on our initial 2.0 converted product line.

We're closing in on getting the 2.0 products released, with an active license you'll receive an email when they're out. They're coming before the new year.

Final bits:
Thank you so much to everyone for their continued support we really appreciate it. 2018 will be an exciting year for Pixel Exit and we look forward to continuing that journey with you.

Enjoy some sneak peaks at FA+, Core and Fusion Gamer!

xf2core.png xf2fa.png xf2fusiongamer.png
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Nice to see some progress with XF2 skins! :)

I am waiting on Core to be finished, it'd be okay if Apex was finished, but I'm actually waiting on a huge project. (Which will be a surprise to anyone who has gone to my site(s).)

That said, Fusion Gamer looks a lot cleaner on 2.0.0 than before. I'll keep my eye on it for a new project soon.
Just a little sneak peek at a brand new styling coming to the 2.0 product line, you'll notice some respect to a couple of the older styles regarding color scheme:

View attachment 7136

This is all the same style, and you can achieve each look in a matter of seconds using our custom properties. Check out further details for the time being on the discussion thread I made on XF:
Looks like it’s a cross between Legendary, Fusion, Runnaway and core.
Just a little sneak peek at a brand new styling coming to the 2.0 product line, you'll notice some respect to a couple of the older styles regarding color scheme:

View attachment 7136

This is all the same style, and you can achieve each look in a matter of seconds using our custom properties. Check out further details for the time being on the discussion thread I made on XF:
Okay, you've officially convinced me to change my ideas for where to put this. FuzionGamer was going to go on at least one of my niche websites, but Omni seems to be interesting for a site I am about to launch.

It's time to Devil May Cry! :D
Just a little sneak peek at a brand new styling coming to the 2.0 product line, you'll notice some respect to a couple of the older styles regarding color scheme:

View attachment 7136

This is all the same style, and you can achieve each look in a matter of seconds using our custom properties. Check out further details for the time being on the discussion thread I made on XF:
Well maybe I don’t want Edge. This is an awesome looking Style. Hmmmm.
I'm surprised it's a free upgrade for existing styles, that seems very generous to me!

My current style isn't on the list, but I'm more than happy to buy a new one. I think I'll go with Edge this time around, it will be good to change things up a bit :happy:
Just a little sneak peek at a brand new styling coming to the 2.0 product line, you'll notice some respect to a couple of the older styles regarding color scheme:

View attachment 7136

This is all the same style, and you can achieve each look in a matter of seconds using our custom properties. Check out further details for the time being on the discussion thread I made on XF:

So, like . . . I hate it when you make more . . . Awesome. :ROFLMAO:

Guys, where did you get these BEYOND COOL smilies and how can we get some??
@Russ what size header are you recommending? I could start working on it now so when this launches I am ready lol.

The images I have right now are about 1600px wide, 500 tall. But... you can definitely make one to your own liking as well. Whatever will fill the logo area really.

So, like . . . I hate it when you make more . . . Awesome. :ROFLMAO:

Guys, where did you get these BEYOND COOL smilies and how can we get some??

Extended smileys by Shelley:

Plus you'll need the XML for it to import, upload the smilies to: >styles/default/xenforo/xenforo-extended-sprite.png

Is the dark version of Core being updated as well?



  • smilies-xenforo_extended.xml
    25.1 KB · Views: 38
Glad to see Flat Awesome+ coming along soon--I am preparing to upgrade a 22 year old site from XF1 to XF2, and want to have the upgraded theme in place. It's a little less unsettling to members if the forum looks similar to the older version. ;)

Pre-Sale Questions

If you have any questions or concerns you want to ask before you make a purchase don't hesitate to use one of our multiple support channels for your convenience.
