I have found most things that I need to tweak on my site, but two currently elude me...
The first thing is, how do I add some padding around the text that appears in the description for a resource I add. In the following image, I want to pad around where the text says 'Testing - Please ignore etc...' as the text butts right up against the sides of the box:
Secondly, I would like to left align the sidebar categories to see what it would look like, so in the screenshot below, it's the text 'Staff Online Now' etc. I thought it might be in 'Appearance > Styles > Total Rekoil > Style Property Groups > [XB] - Categories' but couldn't work it out....
Any help appreciated
I have found most things that I need to tweak on my site, but two currently elude me...
The first thing is, how do I add some padding around the text that appears in the description for a resource I add. In the following image, I want to pad around where the text says 'Testing - Please ignore etc...' as the text butts right up against the sides of the box:
Secondly, I would like to left align the sidebar categories to see what it would look like, so in the screenshot below, it's the text 'Staff Online Now' etc. I thought it might be in 'Appearance > Styles > Total Rekoil > Style Property Groups > [XB] - Categories' but couldn't work it out....
Any help appreciated