

I have found most things that I need to tweak on my site, but two currently elude me...

The first thing is, how do I add some padding around the text that appears in the description for a resource I add. In the following image, I want to pad around where the text says 'Testing - Please ignore etc...' as the text butts right up against the sides of the box:


Secondly, I would like to left align the sidebar categories to see what it would look like, so in the screenshot below, it's the text 'Staff Online Now' etc. I thought it might be in 'Appearance > Styles > Total Rekoil > Style Property Groups > [XB] - Categories' but couldn't work it out....


Any help appreciated :)
Just found the second style issue in 'Appearance > Styles > Total Rekoil > Style Property Groups > Sidebar > Block Heading' :)

Any idea why if my thread title is CTF-TempleOfDoom that it appears as Ctf-Templeofdoom?
Just found the second style issue in 'Appearance > Styles > Total Rekoil > Style Property Groups > Sidebar > Block Heading' :)

Any idea why if my thread title is CTF-TempleOfDoom that it appears as Ctf-Templeofdoom?

Can you link to your site by chance or shoot me a message, I believe there is an option in XenForo for adjusting capitalization.

There is an option in Options > Threads, Discussions, and Conversations called 'Automatically Adjust Case of Discussion Titles' which is useful to know about, but it only capitalizes the first letter of each word or the first letter of the first word only, depending on which option you select.

My problem is that it regardless of that option, it turns a prefix for a game map name from TDM-MyMap to Tdm-MyMap which looks horrible. I should really post on the XF site as I realised this is probably a XF generic (after you hinted at it being an option) issue rather than a style issue - my bad.

But anyway, my site is at

Yes, I know the logo is horrible.....still working on it ;)
Of course If I just untick the option completely, it does render the map name as expected, but then you have to rely on the user to also get the rest of thread typed correctly.....oh well :)

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