Pixel Exit News Site upgraded to XF 2.1!

We've upgraded our site to XenForo 2.1 which brings a few new features which some may find useful. :)

Feedback and suggestions welcome, and if something is out of place or doesn't quite work lets us know!

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I was wondering when you were gonna install XF2.1, Steve! [suspicious shifty eyes]


(Question: Why is asterisk a way to make letters italics? I use it for actions.)
Did you run into many issues when you updated?


We set up a duplicate test site where we: got rid of quite a few add-ons before the upgrade as we could do without them or 2.1 introduced the functionality.

The biggest trouble we had was the style ironically, mainly because we were running Font Awesome 5.x on XenForo 2.0, so we had a ton of template edits to achieve it.

To add, the Pixel Exit styles I own run the smoothest of any out there that I've found. Extremely pleased with those! Nice work @Russ @Steve

Thanks @BoostN I hate painful upgrades so I try my best to make it easy for everyone :).

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