
XF 2.2
Style Core 2.2
The style switch works perfect for forum members but a guest told me that the two style colors doesn't work properly .
The option from dark to the light version is reverse.
I'm not sure I understand the problem. If they can switch styles then it is working.
I'm not sure I understand the problem. If they can switch styles then it is working.
He told me: when I click on the dark style the light style is showing and when I click on the light style the dark style is showing.
For the forum members no issue.

I test it by myself as a guest and it makes no difference the style changes option doesn't switch.
I'm using Chrome and the guest Firefox.
The problem is only with guest.
I'll need to do some digging around, it hasn't been a problem yet.

You can add this to your extra.less to hide the style switch link from guests for now if you'd like. It'll hide all the style switches.

.p-navgroup-link--switch, .offCanvasMenu-link--switch, .p-linkList-styleSwitch
    display: none;

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