You can actually use some basic CSS to add icons to how we previously displayed. Add this to extra.less:

.p-linkList-changeStyle a:before, .p-linkList-changeWidth a:before, .p-linkList-changeLanguage a:before
    display: inline-block;
    margin-right: 2px;
.p-linkList-changeStyle a:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-paint-brush); }
.p-linkList-changeWidth a:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-sliders-h); }
.p-linkList-changeLanguage a:before { .m-faContent(@fa-var-globe); }

We used a template edit before, but this CSS works exactly the same while minimizing main template edits.

Probably won't be an option but the CSS is easy enough to add.
I am not asked for this, also this icon also showed before 2.1.8 update. So why need this CSS add to extra.less?

I am asked for Light/Drak Style switch icon in Footer.

Oh :), that.

May have been an oversight on my part, apologies about that.

You can edit: PAGE_CONTAINER

Find (around line 847 as of this post and this version)
<xf:if is="property('xbAlternatePageWidth') != null">

Add right above
                    <xf:if is="property('xbStyleSwitch') != '0'">
                        <xf:set var="$StyleSwitchID">{{ property('xbStyleSwitch') }}</xf:set>
                        <li class="p-linkList-styleSwitch"><a href="{{ link('misc/style', null, {
                                                        'style_id': $StyleSwitchID,
                                                        '_xfRedirect': $redirect,
                                                        't': csrf_token()
                                                    }) }}"
                                                              title="{{ property('xbStyleSwitchPhrase') }}"><xf:fa icon="{{ property('xbStyleSwitchIcon') }}" /><span> {{ property('xbStyleSwitchPhrase') }}</span>

I'll see about getting it added back in there for the next version.
This is inside our next release. There's no icon in the template itself but you can use the CSS posted above to add the icons to that footer area.

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