Pixel Exit Staff
Just as a heads up for everyone, I'm going on a little vacation starting tomorrow (August 16th) and will be returning August 22nd. Support will be limited during this time but it appears our latest patch went extremely well with no problems. When I return I'll be officially launching Archon, it's already up for sale but we haven't advertised it at all simply because of my planned vacation. I have a few tweaks to roll out on it but I'm very happy with the outcome.
As a final note... thank you to everyone who supports us here at Pixel Exit and around the XF community, we're a small team but we love what we do and we love helping you with your community.
Thank you all so much, talk to you soon!
As a final note... thank you to everyone who supports us here at Pixel Exit and around the XF community, we're a small team but we love what we do and we love helping you with your community.
Thank you all so much, talk to you soon!