XenForo's default prefix styling applies a darkening effect to the background and border on hover. With XB thread prefixes enabled this still applies exactly as before. If prefix styling differs greatly between core_labels.less and XB style properties, this can lead to some interesting clashes of colour and text/background constrast issues. It'd be great if FA+ (and other styles) could recalculate this hover effect using the XB colours as a base
XenForo's hover state effect is applied from .m-labelVariation(@color; @bg; @border: false) in setup.less, which does the following:
XenForo's hover state effect is applied from .m-labelVariation(@color; @bg; @border: false) in setup.less, which does the following:
a:hover &
background: xf-intensify(@bg, 4%);
border-color: xf-intensify(@bg, 14%);
& when (iscolor(@border))
border-color: xf-intensify(@border, 4%);