Pixel Exit Staff
This is a partial change-log to XenBase we made over the course between 1.2 and 1.3. Partial in the sense that I'm sure I'm missing a few things but this can get you a general idea
- Added
- Added conditional around Admin Post CSS(was loading no matter what)
- Added copyright option(easily disable branding if you've purchased it)
- Added ability to swamp logo with navigation position(how Core is setup)
- Added ability to style unread discussion list items
- Added ability to style stickied discussion list items
- Added ability to style individual messages
- Added ability to enable and style a sticky thread separator
- Added header proxy variable(can be useful if you modify the heights of the subnav/or add other elements to the header
- Added ability to bring back help menu
- Added ForumList SectionMain CSS styling property(controls section main on the forum list specifically)
- Added sidebar collapse
- Added ability to change width of sidebar in responsive view(can set the sidebar to max width in wide/medium view)
- Added ability to shift the top breadcrumb out of the mainContent(can make it so it'll span the content area rather than stop at the sidebar)
- Added ability to enable the calltoaction button in thread_view(basically a button at the top of the page to reply to the thread)
- Updated/Fixes
- Upgraded Font Awesome to 4.0.3
- Reverted: page_container_js_head (removed expand click footer)
- Edited: page_container_js_body (Added conditional around go-to-top javascript so it won't load unless the option is activated
- Edited: node_category_level_1 (removed cat strip images updated conditionals to reflect less coding, also moved tooltip conditional around to check if descriptions are enabled FIRST
- Updated page_container to reflect a new javascript CSS
- Moved all Help Page smilies CSS into help_smilies.css to reduce extra page loading outside of the Smiley Page
- Moved XenBase Discussion Properties + CSS to XF Default discussion property + default discussion_list.css
- Fixed a span bug in node_forum_level_2 which was conflicting with font-awesome icons
- Re-wrote XenBase Advanced Footer
- Removed
- Removed category image style properties
- Removed Enable/Disable individual sidebar blocks, going forward we're strictly recommending Widget Framework for sidebar management
- Removed sidebar avatars/tool tips