Firstly, if you are running XenBase 1.4.5 (and associated style) and have upgraded to XenForo 1.4.6 you should not see any outdated templates
While we wait for XenForo 2.0 development we are thinking ahead about how things will be with XenBase but as it stands we know nothing about what XF 2.0 will be or bring to the table. We do plan to further extend XenBase 1.4.x with some new features but as we kind of see it why make things more challenging by adding huge new features, but we are open to suggestions of course and take everything into consideration
We just released BlackEnd Pro and have a few other styles in the works, one being Archon which is near finished. We also have Cascade in the works, a bit early yet but shouldn't take to much longer
While we wait for XenForo 2.0 development we are thinking ahead about how things will be with XenBase but as it stands we know nothing about what XF 2.0 will be or bring to the table. We do plan to further extend XenBase 1.4.x with some new features but as we kind of see it why make things more challenging by adding huge new features, but we are open to suggestions of course and take everything into consideration
We just released BlackEnd Pro and have a few other styles in the works, one being Archon which is near finished. We also have Cascade in the works, a bit early yet but shouldn't take to much longer