XenForo 1.4.7 Released - No Outdated Templates

Just as a heads up we have 1.4.7 running on our dev boards and our XenBase framework has zero outdated templates. This means our latest 1.4.5 version of our styles will function perfectly on 1.4.5, 1.4.6 and 1.4.7.

We have been working on an update to the framework over the past few weeks and will be getting an update out to all of our styles when we feel we're happy with the release.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask!
So all the templates they listed are default? That makes it easy. :D
Yep should be :) I think flat awesome has an outdated templates but it's minor.

We have a long laundry list of todos such as updating all of the RM posts with a new layout, demo board needs updating and pushing out a new xenbase when we're happy with it :)

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