Something that I've noticed with the Flat Awesome + parent theme (unmodified) and also here on Pixel Exit is that certain icons along the Froala editor toolbar are hard to see/read when dropdowns are open. This issue can also apply to text in those dropdowns, depending on the color.
Perhaps the following cropped screenshots will do a much better job at describing the problem. They show Text color, Insert link, Lists and Paragraph format. Other buttons with open dropdowns appear to be affected but I figure you get the idea by this point . You'll see that between FA+ and the problem points differ, but perhaps this is just from lucky color choice? For example, Insert link and Text color icons look OK in FA+ (unchanged style colors), but then here on they are hiding in camouflage.
Thanks for looking into this! .
Perhaps the following cropped screenshots will do a much better job at describing the problem. They show Text color, Insert link, Lists and Paragraph format. Other buttons with open dropdowns appear to be affected but I figure you get the idea by this point . You'll see that between FA+ and the problem points differ, but perhaps this is just from lucky color choice? For example, Insert link and Text color icons look OK in FA+ (unchanged style colors), but then here on they are hiding in camouflage.
Thanks for looking into this! .