I just wanted to take a moment to address everyone and give you a quick update as to what's going on with pixelExit.com. We're quite busy currently with some custom projects and upgrading existing customers to 1.2 however with that said we're still pushing forward :)
First off, our site...
Our styles have been updated to XenForo 1.2, currently we're wrapping up some changes on xenFoogle and Detour and we'll have a complete list :).
We appreciate everyone and their support and we're proud to see our styles on your boards, if there's any trouble don't hesitate to ask via a support...
As XenForo is getting closing to the RC/final release of 1.2 I felt it was time to release the updated styles to the public. Currently the following are updated for 1.2 Beta 5
Fusion Gamer
The rest will follow soon. As with any beta expect bugs and limited...
Just a heads up for everyone... we've been hard at work with our style upgrades for the next version of 1.2. Just for reference you can find all of our free styles up to date at XenForo.com in the Resource Manager.
The reason behind this is the free styles weren't complicated to upgrade to the...
Wanted to give everyone a heads up we've spent the past couple days upgrading our site with the latest XF + up-to-date plugins. On top of that... we've also gone ahead and decided to take a different route to sell our products. Currently we're using the Resource Manager however it's rather...
Just a heads up support for our styles is coming extremely soon! We've gone ahead and released updates for all of our free styles on XenForo(they're less complicated) and now we're working on getting the premium styles updated. Shouldn't be too much longer... :)
Hello all :), just giving everyone a quick update in regards to pixelExit.com.
We're aware of the issues with our store setup, usually you should automatically be able to gain access to the style upon purchase however it's not working that way. We're in the middle of some large projects...
We've gone ahead and opened up a Support Ticket area available for use for all registered pixelExit.com members. This will give you a streamlined process to get in contact with us and allows you to keep an easy to go place for all your support tickets with us.
To access it simply click...
We have added the XenForo Resource Manager to our site to help organize a central location for our styles, mods and graphics. For the time being only the Free releases are submitted to the RM. The RM is open to Customers of PE and XenForo validated users only. You can submit your own tips or...
Hey everyone this is officially the first news post for pixelExit. We've been on the fence about how we wanted to get things setup and we've finally settled on this. Here's a quick gist of what's happening and what's to come:
Re-arranged the node list : keeping it simple
All support will be...
If you have any questions or concerns you want to ask before you make a purchase don't hesitate to use one of our multiple support channels for your convenience.
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