You'll get email notifications of style updates when they're ready. We typically upgrade along with XenForo so if they release 2.2.7, if necessary we'll push out our 2.2.7 version of the style. Sometimes style updates are not required when XenForo pushes out a new version.
Normally, there's not a need to upload any new files via FTP unless we explicitly state so in the upgrade announcement.
1.) Backup your style first
Backing up your style prior to upgrading is always a good practice. In case something goes wrong you can simply re-import your backed up style going back to how it was before the upgrade.
Go to your XenForo Admin control panel, expand the Appearance menu on the left side, then click Styles.
On the right side of each style, you'll see some dots. This is the menu that has the export feature.
Click the Export link to bring up the export overlay
Do not check the "Export as independent style" box that appears in the overlay.
Clicking export on the overlay will download your style to your computer
You'll want to repeat this process for your child style as well.
2.) Update your XenForo
To make sure your templates are updated properly, you need to update your XenForo to the latest version before updating the style. Upgrading the style before upgrading XenForo will cause issues with outdated templates usually.
3.) Download the style update
Assuming you have an active license, you can find the most recent style updates here
Download the latest version of your style.
4.) Update your style
In the below example, we'll use our Core style as the reference.
Go to your Styles screen in the XenForo Admin control panel
Click the Import button
Click Choose file and select the zip file you downloaded in the previous step.
Import as: choose Overwrite style and select your parent style. In this example: Core (Parent DO NOT EDIT)
Click the Import button and you should be done! All updates we push out trickle down to your child style automatically.
If you run into any outdated templates, we have an entire section dedicated to that.
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